วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2550

Guitar/The Basics

Guitar/The Basics

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The purpose of this section is to show the most simple concepts of guitar. Please make contributions.

Holding The Guitar

Sitting down: Sit up straight on a chair, with your feet on the ground. Place the waist of your guitar on the right leg, keeping the guitar completely vertical across its width. Rest your right upper arm on the side of the guitar so that it is comfortable. Your arm should bend with your thumb resting on the sixth string parallel to it. Your hand should cover the soundhole. On an electric, imagine a soundhole and keep your hand where the soundhole would be. Take your fingers of your left hand and rest it on the strings around the fifth fret. Place your right thumb behind the fingers directly behind the neck. Your shoulders should be relaxed. Now, lean forward slightly and relax. Most people without serious back ailments should feel comfortable and should be able to stay in this position without effort. If you are not, something is not right.

Using a Pick

Hold the pick in between your index finger and your thumb. Dont pinch it, hold it like a gun trigger, with the pick flat in between the side of your index finger and the bottom of your thumb. Your thumb should be in line with the first segment of the index finger, with the pick firmly (but not tightly) between. When you pick, your wrist should be straight, and when you strum, make sure to use your forearm and not your wrist for strength. Your wrist should be loose, but controlled, and you should strum with your forearm.

Using the Fretboard

Depress the guitar string firmly to the fretboard, close to the metal fret. If the string is not depressed enough, the string will strike the frets when vibrating and the note played will have a "buzzing" sound. If the string is depressed too hard, not only will the pitch of the note be higher than desired, but also you will use a lot of strength and get tired easily. You'll have to practice to get the right amount of pressure.

