วันพุธที่ 2 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2550



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Easy scales to get you going

I would recommend starting off by learning the minor pentatonic, which is the single most popular scale for solos in western music. Most guitarists know this shape of the pentatonic scale by heart.

It can be used for pretty much anything, so learn it well!

This shape can be moved up and down the fretboard for play in any key (like all scale shapes that aren't open).

This is in A:

The numbers represent the fret numbers. The numbers in parentheses represent the optional Blue Note which, as the name suggests, give a bluesy kind of vibe to your playing. However, it is not actually part of the Minor Pentatonic scale, only very often added for extra colour.

e |--5--------8--
B |--5--------8--
G |--5-----7-(8)-
D |--5-----7-----
A |--5-(6)-7-----
E |--5--------8--

This is the basic shape, just learn it starting with the bottom E-string, one note at a time.
Once you have learned the shape by heart, practice playing the scale at different places on the fretboard. This is essential - and start early on, or else familiar shapes will seem unfamiliar at different places on the fretboard.

Once you've mastered that, try the harmonic minor scale, a harder scale by far, but definitely satisfying over some minor chords. It gives you a rather "middle-eastern" kind of sound.

Again written in A

But the shape works in any key, just move the shape up or down the neck:

e |--4--5-----7--8--
B |-----5--6--------
G |--4--5-----7-----
D |--------6--7-----
A |-----5-----7--8--
E |-----5-----7--8--

This looks a little more complicated, and is certainly more difficult to get to sound nice, but when you have mastered it it will sound great!

There are many different scales: 7 modes of the major scale, three different forms of the minor scale, the blues scale above, the pentatonic scale, the whole tone scale, the diminished scale and some scales that originated in Spain and India. There are also very interesting scales from eastern music. It is possible to create your own scales by altering another as you wish, or completely coming up with your own. Remember, most of the scales were built musically, not randomly, using ideas such as a cycle of perfect fifths for the major scale.


